We get this question a lot – can I make iced tea out of this? The easy answer is yes! You can technically brew any tea hot or cold simply by changing your brewing process (and you can find instructions on how to brew the perfect cup of iced tea here). The less easy answer isn’t as straightforward. Ultimately, it’s up to you as to how you best enjoy each of your favorite teas, whether it be hot or cold, with sweetener or without, but we like to think that we’ve consumed enough tea to at least give you a few recommendations!
Almond Cookie
We’ll start with an easy one. Many think of black blends as a traditional cup of hot, afternoon tea, and we can’t say we disagree! While there are many delectable black tea blends that make for a good cup of iced tea (sweet tea is traditionally made with a black tea base, after all!), we have to vote that Almond Cookie is just a bit better warm. And there’s a reason, because the almonds maintain a bit more of their natural sweetness when not cut by the icing process!
Peach Mango
Case and point: Peach Mango. Another black tea blend, but this one is a tie! We love it hot and we love it cold! Some teas are more versatile than others, and the great thing about this blend is a naturally sweet black tea base and chunks of peach and mango to provide a bold fruity flavor that comes through regardless of the brewing method! The truth is, no matter how you make this black tea, it’s going to be delicious!
It’s likely not a surprise that we prefer this one cold! As part of our summer seasonal line, Guavalicious is a full flavored tisane with hints of strawberry and, you guessed it, guava! Other ingredients include pineapple, hibiscus, apple, and rosehips, rounding out this popular blend here exclusively for the summer!
Health Nut
Green tea mixed with pineapple, coconut, and a wealth of nutty flavors? If you’re thinking both, you’d be right! Our version of an old favorite, this house blend is still a popular choice for many green tea drinkers. It’s great hot with a splash of creamer during the cooler months (it’s a staple in our spring rotation!) or cold just by itself on a hot summer afternoon. Organic and naturally sweet, look no further for a new green tea blend to try!
Sweet Slumber
Picture this: you’re winding down for bed on a hot summer evening and you’re looking for a bit of chamomile in your cup. So you turn to your favorite blend of chamomile and hibiscus from Fava Tea. There’s just one problem: it’s too hot for hot tea! The great news? This one is just as delicious iced and still offers the exact same benefits! Many wellness blends make for excellent iced teas and hot teas alike!
Raspberry Patch
One more iced recommendation because summer is just around the corner! While we do love a cup of Raspberry Patch hot during the winter when we’re missing fresh berries, we have to admit that it really comes alive when it’s iced. In fact, this is a blend perfect for mixing with lemonade during the hotter months as well, making for a quick and easy mixed drink at your next party!
The post Hot or Cold? appeared first on Fava Tea.